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School Supplies Distribution by ACTION and JEC to Jireh Children’s Home

Happiness showed in the faces of the children during the distribution of school supplies in Jireh Children’s Home (JCH) on 11 June 2016. 11 elementary and high school students from JCH received school supplies, through ACTION, with support from Japan Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers Unions (JEC). JEC is a network of workers’ unions in Japan from companies in the energy and chemical industry.

_MG_4193v2The school supplies got the children excited for the upcoming School Year 2016-2017. It included writing materials such as notebooks, formal themes, pads of paper, pencils, ball pens, erasers, and markers. To complete art works and projects, the children were also provided with crayons, oil pastels, poster paints, bars of molding of clay, glue, rulers, scissors, assorted colors of cartolina, illustration boards, envelopes, colored and art papers among others. Other supplies included were bags, umbrellas and window cards.

Every year, ACTION provides school supplies for the beneficiaries of its Educational Assistance Program in JCH. This year, the distribution of school supplies was made possible through the generosity of JEC. ACTION is very thankful for the kindness of JEC who has been a consistent donor for the needs of the JCH children. Moreover, ACTION looks forward to a stronger and continuing partnership with JEC towards helping children fulfill their goals.

Prepared by:

Adora Matias
Project Officer

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