ACTION, as a child-focused organization commits to helping communities and stakeholders become responsive to children’s needs and welfare. To achieve this goal however, ACTION has to capacitate its personnel first on the concept and principles of child’s rights and its underlying human rights framework.
Thus, on 22 July 2016, ACTION conducted a seminar-orientation on the rights of children at Paradito beach resort, Olongapo city, participated by all ACTION staff, including one Japanese volunteer, as well as all the instructors of its Chikara (Power) training program.
The discussion opened on the basic concept of human rights, the difference between rights and needs and the concept of rights holder and duty bearer. The participants also learned about the definition of “child” according to international and Philippine law. There was also a lecture-discussion on the rights of children as enshrined on the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This was followed by a presentation on the salient provisions of selected laws for the protection of children and women.
A light and fun mood was maintained all throughout the learning activity with the use of interactive and participatory learning methodologies.
The participants were able to relate the importance of the topic in their day to day work at ACTION. Thus, when asked about the significant learning he had after attending the activity, one of the Chikara instructors responded that “Learning about child’s rights made him re-think about his own parenting style for his children”.
EC Drewery